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Oggetto: Regolamentazione sull'utilizzo di droni civili. Anche se non si parla di creare una patente apposita, l'Enac prevede che siano organizzati programmi di addestramento specifici. Intende proporre una legislazione o delle linee guida di riferimento a livello europeo? Vari altri Stati membri stanno elaborando una legislazione in materia di droni.

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Drones are usually used for the purposes of military operations or for aid and reconnaissance missions in the event of natural disasters or those caused by human factors, but it has recently been highlighted by the trade association that unites the manufacturers and operators of these remotely operated aircraft that the use of these vehicles does in fact go beyond these two areas. Nowadays, there are around four hundred drones flying in the Italian skies each day. These are used for a wide range of tasks, which range from aerial films and photographs to monitoring agricultural land, installations such as dykes, electricity networks and so on.

A well-known American electronics company has come up with the idea of using drones to deliver parcels. The task of regulating drones in Italy has been entrusted to the Italian Civil Aviation Authority Enac , which recently announced the definitive text for the regulations on flying drones weighing kilograms or less, which are set to enter into force on 30 April. Under these regulations, only persons over the age of 18 who have theoretical and practical knowledge of the rules of the air and of the use of the drone itself are permitted to pilot a drone.

Despite no mention being made of a proper licence, Enac anticipates that specific training programmes will be organised. Different regulations will apply if people wish to operate in cities, in which case Enac will carry out more detailed assessments. A final benchmark is the altitude: the regulations are less stringent for flights up to a height of 70 metres, while specific authorisations apply for flights between 70 and metres.

This sector is growing rapidly: in Italy alone there are more than companies operating in this sector and forecasts predict that global turnover will reach USD billion by , compared with USD 7 billion in In the light of the above, is the Commission aware of other Member States or non-European countries that have implemented, or are in the process of implementing, regulations governing the use of drones? Does it intend to propose legislation or reference guidelines at a European level?

The Commission is aware that a growing number of Member States is introducing regulations on the use of civil drones. Several other Member States are preparing drones legislation. The regulations typically concern lighter aircraft in non-complex airspace and aim at allowing the initial development of commercial drones activities.

Unmanned aircraft with an operating mass of more than kg fall under EU competence. The European Aviation Safety Agency is preparing the appropriate legislation to allow safe operations with those heavier civil drones, on the basis of its strong consultation process. The Commission adopted a communication on the civil use of drones on 8 April COM final , setting out the main elements of its future policy and announcing a number of concrete initiatives.

Depending on the outcome of a number of preliminary steps impact assessment and public consultation , the Commission intends to bring forward, where appropriate, legislative proposals to remove legal uncertainties that hinder the development of the European market and to give European citizens confidence that high levels of protection in terms of safety, security and privacy will be assured.

Oggetto: Esposizioni ai campi elettromagnetici in zona Sette Ville Nord. In particolare, si segnala la presenza di un elettrodotto che risulta avere una distanza troppo ravvicinata alle strutture abitative. Il cavo dell'elettrodotto scorre in alcuni punti a 20 metri di altezza da terra, passando sopra i parcheggi auto adiacenti alle abitazioni. Inoltre, dato che le villette si sono sviluppate in altezza, ne consegue che le distanze tra cavo e mura abitative si sono progressivamente ridotte.

Tale problematica sta suscitando quindi particolare allarme tra gli abitanti della zona con particolare riguardo al rispetto delle norme relative alla protezione dalle esposizioni dai campi elettromagnetici. La Commissione richiede periodicamente che si effettuino analisi indipendenti su fondamenti scientifici ed adeguatezza dei limiti di esposizione fissati nella raccomandazione.

La Commissione ritiene che gli attuali limiti di esposizione suggeriti nella raccomandazione del Consiglio comportino un livello elevato di tutela della salute dei cittadini. Di questi ultimi fa parte la tutela dai rischi provenienti da apparecchiature elettriche e in particolare da radiazioni. High-voltage power lines kV have been erected in the area of Setteville Nord in the municipality of Guidonia Montecelio. There are particular reports of a power line which runs too close to residential buildings. In some places, the power cable runs at a height of 20 metres above ground level, passing above the parking spaces alongside the dwellings.

In addition, given that the dwellings have been built in an upwardly sprawling manner, the result has been a gradual reduction in the distances between the cable and the walls of the houses. Given that the priority of the European Union is to safeguard the health of its citizens, can the Commission:. Illustrate what actions can be put in place to prevent any potential immediate or long-term biological damage as a result of exposure to electromagnetic fields? Provide a general framework at European level of the current applicable legislation regarding protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields?

The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union confers the responsibility to the Member States to legislate on the protection of the citizens from the potential effects of electromagnetic fields EMF. The Commission peridically requests independent reviews of the scientific basis and adequacy of the exposure limits as set in the recommendation.

The last preliminary opinion is currently published for public consultation, which closed on 16 April The Commission considers that current proposed exposure limits as suggested in the Council Recommendation offer a high level of protection of citizens' health. According to the information in possession of the Commission Italy applies stricter lower exposure limits than those suggested by the Council Recommendation. The safety objectives include protection against hazards arising from the electrical equipment and in particular those coming from radiation.

Oggetto: Progetto di bonifica dell'area contigua al lago di Vico e realizzazione di un parco per la riqualificazione dell'area: possibili finanziamenti. Nel venne costruita sulle rive del lago una base destinata a ospitare laboratori e depositi di armi chimiche, la cosiddetta «chemical city». Nel furono scoperti 60 grandi serbatoi di fosgene letale sepolti nella base.

In seguito all'allarme suscitato dalle analisi del lago, si vorrebbe promuovere un progetto diretto ad affrontare la grave crisi causata dall'inquinamento da veleni che ha investito il lago di Vico. In particolare l'operazione prevede l'utilizzo della tecnica della fitorimediazione, ossia l'uso di piante per l'estrazione e la detossificazione di sostanze inquinanti e la creazione di percorsi pensili su passerelle in legno per la creazione di un parco interattivo di bio-socializzazione. In linea di principio, gli Stati membri possono contare sul sostegno della politica di coesione UE, in particolare del Fondo sociale di sviluppo regionale FESR , per investire in misure adottate nel settore della decontaminazione e rigenerazione dei siti dismessi.

Questi documenti devono essere presentati alla Commissione nei prossimi mesi. Il Fondo sociale europeo FSE sostiene le iniziative per l'occupazione anche nei settori dei «lavori verdi», della cultura e del turismo.

Lake Vico is a caldera lake in the province of Viterbo in central Italy. In , a base was built along the banks of the lake to accommodate laboratories and chemical weapons depots. In the post-war period, the plant was reopened for the safekeeping of chemical weapons and the manufacture of smoke-producing flares and smoke-grenades. In , 60 large containers of lethal phosgene were discovered buried in the base. A regeneration of the area took place in , but in , while carrying out activities to monitor the environmental condition of the lake, ARPA Lazio the Regional Environmental Protection Agency conducted a number of tests on a sediment sample, which revealed the presence of values which far exceeded the contamination threshold concentrations for several parameters.

Due to the alarm triggered by the analyses of the lake, we wish to promote a project to deal with the serious crisis caused by pollution from poisons which has plagued Lake Vico. The operation specifically foresees the use of phytoremediation, which involves the use of plants to extract and detoxify contaminants and the creation of raised paths on wooden walkways to create an interactive bio-socialisation park. Provide details of any European funds or calls for tenders designed to support this project? Clarify what funds and grants are available to support redevelopment and regeneration work in contaminated regions in the new planning period?

Provide examples of good practice or similar projects which have been implemented or financed by the European Union to promote employment, particularly among young people? In principle, Member States can draw on support from EU cohesion policy, in particular the European Regional Development Fund ERDF , to invest in measures dealing with the decontamination and regeneration of brownfield sites.

By virtue of the shared management principle, the selection of the priorities for investment in are proposed by the national and regional authorities and approved by the Commission. In particular, the conditions for ERDF co-financing in the period and its priorities for intervention are set, at national level, in the Partnership Agreement and, at regional level, in the programmes.

These documents are to be submitted to the Commission in the coming months. The European Social Fund ESF supports initiatives for employment also in the fields of green jobs and culture and tourism. Young people are among the ESF recipients: the initiatives involved so far more than 2 million young people in Italy The Honourable Member can find more information in the specific publications listed below Betreft: Vertegenwoordiging bij de uitwisseling van informatie over beste beschikbare technieken proces van Sevilla.

In uitvoeringsbesluit nr. Is de praktijk waarbij belanghebbenden die formeel worden gedefinieerd als zijnde geen lidstaten d.

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Hoe draagt de Commissie zorg voor het behoud van een belangenevenwicht of het voorkomen van een belangenconflict tussen de lidstaten en het betrokken Commissiepersoneel, en acht zij het noodzakelijk de betreffende passage van de richtsnoeren te verduidelijken? Elk van deze drie groepen benoemt de deskundigen die hun standpunt in elke technische werkgroep vertegenwoordigen. Tijdens bijeenkomsten wordt er van de vertegenwoordigers van de lidstaten verwacht dat zij de standpunten van hun nationale autoriteiten aangeven. Elke groep belanghebbenden voegt verschillende standpunten toe aan het proces, en deze zijn van onmisbaar belang bij het correct identificeren van de BREF's.

Is the practice whereby stakeholders formally defined as not being Member States i. How does the Commission ensure a balance of interests or prevent a conflict of interests among Member States and the Commission staff involved, and does it see a need to clarify the relevant section of the guidance rules? Each of these three groups nominates experts to represent their views in each technical working group. During meetings, Member State representatives are expected to present the views of their national authorities. The Commission sees a balance of interests as integral to the effective and efficient operation of Technical Working Groups, and considers that the adopted guidance is fit for this purpose.

Each stakeholder group brings different perspectives to the process and these are essential to correctly identify BAT. My constituent is concerned at the amount of bureaucracy that will be involved in order to comply with the related directives. He is aware that the system will involve structural steel products; however, there is uncertainty as to how it will be implemented.

If it can provide further information to help my constituent fully understand the CE marking system? If it is aware that there are concerns that if the CE system is implemented, it will cripple the general metalworkers sector, since many in the sector do not have the infrastructure needed to handle the administrative burden? If so, what is the Commission doing in order to reduce the administrative burden on smaller companies?

Pursuant to Article 4 combined with Article 8 of the above Regulation, when a construction product is covered by a harmonised standard, or if a European Technical Assessment has been issued for it, the manufacturer must draw up a declaration of performance and must affix CE marking when such a product is placed on the market. This rule is applicable also for products intended to be marketed in only one Member State. The Commission is aware of difficulties in the implementation of the harmonised product standard EN for structural steel components.

The Commission intends to clarify the scope of this standard with the help of the competent standardisation experts before 1 July , the date on which CE marking according to standard EN becomes obligatory.

However, such an action would prohibit them from CE marking the relevant product s. Tali concessionari non hanno, in linea di principio, alcun obbligo di concedere subappalti a terzi, a meno che essi non siano amministrazioni aggiudicatrici.

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This relates mainly to private concession holders which, as such, do not function in the same way as public administrations, the concessions in question having all been acquired or extended in the absence of a competitive tendering procedure. The provisions of Article 25 , authorising the direct award of contracts, raise serious doubts as to compliance with EU competition rules, enabling a directly selected concession holder to subcontract in turn to directly selected companies, regardless of public procurement requirements.

What measures does it intend to take if necessary to remedy this motorway concession management anomaly arising from continued non-compliance in Italy? In situations like those mentioned by the Honourable Member, the key issue in terms of compliance with EC law is the award of the concession contract. Such contracts have to be awarded in compliance with EU rules on public procurement and concessions. This means that, where the relevant conditions are fulfilled, concession holders have to be selected through competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory tendering procedures Such concession holders have in principle no obligation to award sub-contracts to third parties, unless they are contracting authorities.

With the view to ensuring compliance with EC law, the Commission is currently engaged in discussions with the Italian authorities on various issues concerning motorway concessions. Die Kommission hat am Can the Commission say how it will proceed with the reform of Eurojust if the establishment of the EPPO is not supported by all the Member States, and can it provide information on the extent to which this will affect the role of Eurojust?

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