Adding bitcoins to wallet

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Fix: The Exchange rates data stored in the DB is now validated to make sure it is of type array. Addresses previous issue where debug view outputs were saved as string. Fix: Fixed bug introduced in 4.

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Reduces load on transient storage DB. Fix: Never run cron job more than once per request. Add: Verbosity option controls whether memory debug info is written out to the WordPress log while running cron obs. Add: Verbosity option controls whether memory debug info is written out to the WordPress log while retrieving exchange rate data.

Add: Display cron-job related memory debug info in the dashboard. Add: When placing a new move or withdraw transaction, the new available balance is checked, rather than the total account balance. Add: When executing a pending move or withdraw transaction, the new available balance is checked, rather than the total account balance. Add: The user profile section now displays both the total and the available balance for each coin that a user holds.

Add: The User Balances admin screen now displays both the total and the available balance for each coin that a user holds. Change: Always show coin selection dropdown in frontend, even if only one coin is available. Only retrieves information about enabled coins, thus reducing bandwidth requirements and improving performance. Falls back to retrieving exchange rates for top coins if no API key is provided. Improve: Coingecko exchange rates provider can now retrieve information about only enabled coins, thus reducing bandwidth requirements and improving performance.

Improve: In Exchange Rates admin page, the debug views contents can now be easily copied to the clipboard. Improve: In cases where a theme has loaded an old version of knockout. However it is recommended that the latest version of knockout is used with the plugin. Change: When placing a new move or withdraw transaction, the plugin no longer uses MySQL table locks as these are not strictly necessary.

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The hazard for race conditions is at transaction execution, not placement. Change: Cron job is now using custom-built semaphore locks instead of relying on MySQL table locks when executing move and withdraw transactions. Improve: Compacted some CSS rules.

Fix: In the frontend withdrawal form UI, if no amount is entered, there is no longer a validation error shown. Improve: If for some reason a wallet responds to a getnewaddress RPC command with an empty string no address , this error is now logged. Fix: Several errors related to email sending failures are now logged. Fix: In deposit notification emails, the deposited amount is no longer shown as 0. Fix: When enabling an RPC coin adapter and unlocking it with a passphrase at the same time, the plugin no longer crashes. Fix: After an internal transfer or a withdrawal is successfully submitted, the form UI no longer shows a validation error on the emptied amount field.

Fix: In the frontend internal transfers or withdrawals forms, there is now a validation error if the total amount to be transacted is less than what would need to be paid in fees. Fix: The Disable transients debug setting can now be updated in multisite installs. Add: Show an error message in frontend UIs when there are no coin adapters online. Fix: Can now cancel withdrawals again from the admin interface bug was introduced in 3. Fix: Eliminated some PHP warnings in the notifications mechanism. Improve: Remove some unneeded CSS from reload button. Add: Link to EasyCron service.

Fix: Added guard clause to cron job that checks RPC wallets for past transactions. No longer logs a warning if no transactions are found. Improve: Widget form of the UIs is now refactored and improved.

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User input is accepted to reflect additions in allowed shortcode attributes. Add: If a shortcode cannot be rendered due to some error, a meaningful error message is shown in the frontend. Add: Admin table listing user balances. Add: Admin table listing user deposit addresses.

Fix: Custom menu item for displaying balances did not render correctly in twenty-nineteen theme, now fixed. Improve: Performance of admin transaction list rendering improved.

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Improve: Performance improvements in exchange rates code, when the price of a coin in the default fiat currency is not the same as that provided by the exchange rate provider service. All cron tasks are unified and they all run on shutdown. Improve: Cron tasks can now be triggered via a custom URL. Change: Cron tasks do not auto-trigger if trigerring is disabled.

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Instead, a warning is displayed. Improve: On a network-activated multisite installation with too many blogs, the plugin will only process tasks for a few blogs on each run. Fix: When an admin cancels a deposit, such as a fiat coin adapter deposit, the deposit can now be re-executed if the admin retries the deposit. Add: When a user is deleted by an admin, their transactions and deposit addresses are now deleted.

Any user balance is deallocated and returns to the site. Fix: Guard clause protects against warning for missing optional qrsize argument to the deposit widget. Fix: The coin icon is now shown in the coin adapter settings admin page. Improve: All amounts in the coin adapters list admin page are shown as dashes if equal to zero, to improve visibility of non-zero values.

Change: Deposit QR codes are no longer rendered for fiat coins. The deposit codes are only shown as text. Add: Deposits can now be cancelled. Add: Cron job can now auto-cancel transactions that have remained in an unconfirmed or pending state for too long default: cancel after 24 hours. The filter always returns confirmed balances. Change: When first activating the plugin, the built-in Bitcoin node adapter is disabled by default. Improve: Better application of a fix for themes that improperly use the Select2 library.

This can help with frontend performance. Change: Maximum amount of cron batch size is now Comes with a warning about setting the value too high.

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Add: Source maps for the minified versions of JavaScript code are now added and are available to browser debugging consoles. Fix: Image for reload button now works even if the site home is in a subdirectory of the domain.

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Improve: Safer code in dashboard widget while detecting other installed dashed-slug extensions. Fix: Problem where QR code was not rendered on first page load, introduced in 3. Fix: Unicode glyph on reload button introduced in 3. Add: New filters introduced in 3. Old addresses are retained. This allows for manual reload of server data. The deposit address is used in QR codes directly. This saves on transmitted data.

adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet
adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet
adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet
adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet
adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet
adding bitcoins to wallet Adding bitcoins to wallet

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