Bitcoin validate address

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Asked 5 years, 11 months ago. Active 4 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 3k times. Improve this question. Lancelot Lancelot 1, 2 2 gold badges 16 16 silver badges 26 26 bronze badges. Your request is much too vague. Have you verified that the function is appropriate for that address? Are you getting errors?

bitcoinaddress · PyPI

Have you researched alternative functions? I just tried that code on phpfiddle. I know nothing about bitcoin aglos but maybe the code-poster's comment has some clue: "Minor correction. The code provided only properly handles the former" — belwood May 1 '15 at This is a very simple Ethereum Address generator. You can create Ethereum public and private keys using this tool online.

Then you don't need to store your private keys without and encryption and this provides additional security for you. Learn more about our cryptocurrency course. Our website provides tools for users to create their Bitcoin or Ethereum addresses. We believe that address generation from credible sources is the most important thing when anybody wants to have cryptocurrency addresses.

We, as mycrypto. So, this means that our users can use the tools provided online, or they can better attend our courses to learn how to create their addresses without having an internet connection. When it comes to creating Bitcoin and Ethereum public and private key pairs, security becomes crucial. Having the right software code gives users the confidence to create as many as Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses offline without the need to download any commercial software on their computers or mobile phones.

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Note that whereas the previous levels used hardened derivation, this level uses normal derivation. This is to allow this level of the tree to export extended public keys for use in a nonsecured environment. Table shows a few more examples. Using the command-line tool sx , introduced in Chapter 3 , you can experiment with generating and extending BIP deterministic keys, as well as displaying them in different formats:. In the following sections we will look at advanced forms of keys and addresses, such as encrypted private keys, script and multisignature addresses, vanity addresses, and paper wallets.

Private keys must remain secret. The need for confidentiality of the private keys is a truism that is quite difficult to achieve in practice, because it conflicts with the equally important security objective of availability.

Keeping the private key private is much harder when you need to store backups of the private key to avoid losing it. A private key stored in a wallet that is encrypted by a password might be secure, but that wallet needs to be backed up.

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At times, users need to move keys from one wallet to another—to upgrade or replace the wallet software, for example. Private key backups might also be stored on paper see Paper Wallets or on external storage media, such as a USB flash drive. But what if the backup itself is stolen or lost? These conflicting security goals led to the introduction of a portable and convenient standard for encrypting private keys in a way that can be understood by many different wallets and bitcoin clients, standardized by Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 38 or BIP see [bip].

BIP proposes a common standard for encrypting private keys with a passphrase and encoding them with Base58Check so that they can be stored securely on backup media, transported securely between wallets, or kept in any other conditions where the key might be exposed. Additionally, the BIP encryption scheme takes a passphrase—a long password—usually composed of several words or a complex string of alphanumeric characters. The result of the BIP encryption scheme is a Base58Check-encoded encrypted private key that begins with the prefix 6P.

If you see a key that starts with 6P , that means it is encrypted and requires a passphrase in order to convert decrypt it back into a WIF-formatted private key prefix 5 that can be used in any wallet. Many wallet applications now recognize BIPencrypted private keys and will prompt the user for a passphrase to decrypt and import the key. Third-party applications, such as the incredibly useful browser-based Bit Address Wallet Details tab , can be used to decrypt BIP keys.

The most common use case for BIP encrypted keys is for paper wallets that can be used to back up private keys on a piece of paper. Test the encrypted keys in Table using bitaddress.

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They designate the beneficiary of a bitcoin transaction as the hash of a script, instead of the owner of a public key. The feature was introduced in January with Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 16, or BIP see [bip] , and is being widely adopted because it provides the opportunity to add functionality to the address itself.

The requirements are designated at the time the address is created, within the script, and all inputs to this address will be encumbered with the same requirements. A pay-to-script hash address is created from a transaction script, which defines who can spend a transaction output for more detail, see Pay-to-Script-Hash P2SH. Encoding a pay-to-script hash address involves using the same double-hash function as used during creation of a bitcoin address, only applied on the script instead of the public key:.

P2SH is not necessarily the same as a multi-signature standard transaction. A P2SH address most often represents a multi-signature script, but it might also represent a script encoding other types of transactions. Currently, the most common implementation of the P2SH function is the multi-signature address script. As the name implies, the underlying script requires more than one signature to prove ownership and therefore spend funds.

For example, Bob the coffee shop owner from Chapter 1 could use a multi-signature address requiring 1-of-2 signatures from a key belonging to him and a key belonging to his spouse, ensuring either of them could sign to spend a transaction output locked to this address. Or Gopesh, the web designer paid by Bob to create a website, might have a 2-of-3 multi-signature address for his business that ensures that no funds can be spent unless at least two of the business partners sign a transaction.

We will explore how to create transactions that spend funds from P2SH and multi-signature addresses in Chapter 5. Vanity addresses are valid bitcoin addresses that contain human-readable messages. Vanity addresses require generating and testing billions of candidate private keys, until one derives a bitcoin address with the desired pattern. Although there are some optimizations in the vanity generation algorithm, the process essentially involves picking a private key at random, deriving the public key, deriving the bitcoin address, and checking to see if it matches the desired vanity pattern, repeating billions of times until a match is found.

Once a vanity address matching the desired pattern is found, the private key from which it was derived can be used by the owner to spend bitcoins in exactly the same way as any other address. Vanity addresses are no less or more secure than any other address. You can no more easily find the private key of an address starting with a vanity pattern than you can any other address.

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There are approximately 58 29 approximately 1. Table shows the range of addresses that have the prefix 1Kids.

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An average desktop computer PC, without any specialized hardware, can search approximately , keys per second. Each additional character increases the difficulty by a factor of Patterns with more than seven characters are usually found by specialized hardware, such as custom-built desktops with multiple graphical processing units GPUs.

Another way to find a vanity address is to outsource the work to a pool of vanity miners, such as the pool at Vanity Pool. A pool is a service that allows those with GPU hardware to earn bitcoin searching for vanity addresses for others. For a small payment 0. Generating a vanity address is a brute-force exercise: try a random key, check the resulting address to see if it matches the desired pattern, repeat until successful. The example uses the libbitcoin library, which we introduced in Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits. The example code must be compiled using a C compiler and linked against the libbitcoin library which must be first installed on that system.

Change the search pattern in the source code and see how much longer it takes for four- or five-character patterns! Vanity addresses can be used to enhance and to defeat security measures; they are truly a double-edged sword. Used to improve security, a distinctive address makes it harder for adversaries to substitute their own address and fool your customers into paying them instead of you.

Unfortunately, vanity addresses also make it possible for anyone to create an address that resembles any random address, or even another vanity address, thereby fooling your customers. Eugenia could advertise a randomly generated address e. Or, she could generate a vanity address that starts with 1Kids, to make it more distinctive. In both cases, one of the risks of using a single fixed address rather than a separate dynamic address per donor is that a thief might be able to infiltrate your website and replace it with his own address, thereby diverting donations to himself.

If you have advertised your donation address in a number of different places, your users may visually inspect the address before making a payment to ensure it is the same one they saw on your website, on your email, and on your flyer. Using a vanity address generator, someone with the intent to steal by substituting a similar-looking address can quickly generate addresses that match the first few characters, as shown in Table So does a vanity address increase security? If Eugenia pays a pool to generate an 8-character vanity address, the attacker would be pushed into the realm of 10 characters, which is infeasible on a personal computer and expensive even with a custom vanity-mining rig or vanity pool.

What is affordable for Eugenia becomes unaffordable for the attacker, especially if the potential reward of fraud is not high enough to cover the cost of the vanity address generation. Paper wallets are bitcoin private keys printed on paper. Often the paper wallet also includes the corresponding bitcoin address for convenience, but this is not necessary because it can be derived from the private key. Paper wallets come in many shapes, sizes, and designs, but at a very basic level are just a key and an address printed on paper.

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