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Safe mode is a feature that disables a subset of RPC calls - mostly related to the wallet and sending - automatically in case certain problem conditions with the network are detected. However, developers have come to regard these checks as not reliable enough to act on automatically.

Bitcoin Core 0.16.0

Even with safe mode disabled, they will still cause warnings in the warnings field of the getneworkinfo RPC and launch the -alertnotify command. As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex. Bitcoin Core version 0.

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Downgrading warning Wallets created in 0. Compatibility Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS This means that downgrading after creating a segwit address will work, as long as the wallet file is up to date.

All segwit keys in the wallet get an implicit redeemscript added, without it being written to the file. This means recovery of an old backup will work, as long as you use new software. All keypool keys that are seen used in transactions explicitly get their redeemscripts added to the wallet files. This means that downgrading after recovering from a backup that includes a segwit address will work Note that some RPCs do not yet support segwit addresses.

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HD-wallets by default Due to a backward-incompatible change in the wallet database, wallets created with version 0. Wallets directory configuration -walletdir Bitcoin Core now has more flexibility in where the wallets directory can be located. For existing nodes where the data directory already exists , wallets will be stored in the data directory root by default. Build: Minimum GCC bumped to 4.

The option to reuse a previous address has now been removed. Support for searching by TXID has been added, rather than just address and label. A toggle for unblinding the password fields on the password dialog has been added. Validateaddress improvements The validateaddress RPC output has been extended with a few new fields, and support for segwit addresses both P2SH and Bech A new field embedded is present for all script addresses where the script is known and matches something that can be interpreted as a known address.

The value for embedded includes much of the information validateaddress would report if invoked directly on the embedded address. For multisig scripts a new pubkeys field was added that reports the full public keys involved in the script if known. This is a replacement for the existing addresses field which reports the same information but encoded as P2PKH addresses , represented in a more useful and less confusing way. The addresses field remains present for non-segwit addresses for backward compatibility. In particular, this means that invoking validateaddress on the output of getnewaddress will always report the pubkey , even when the address type is P2SH-P2WPKH.

Low-level changes The deprecated RPC getinfo was removed. It is recommended that the more specific RPCs are used: getblockchaininfo getnetworkinfo getwalletinfo getmininginfo The wallet RPC getreceivedbyaddress will return an error if called with an address not in the wallet. The wallet RPC addwitnessaddress was deprecated and will be removed in version 0. The RPC getblockchaininfo now includes an errors field. A new blockhash parameter has been added to the getrawtransaction RPC which allows for a raw transaction to be fetched from a specific block if known, even without -txindex enabled.

The decoderawtransaction and fundrawtransaction RPCs now have optional iswitness parameters to override the heuristic witness checks if necessary.

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Using addresses with the createmultisig RPC is now deprecated, and will be removed in a later version. Public keys should be used instead. The logging RPC has now been made public rather than hidden. An initialblockdownload boolean has been added to the getblockchaininfo RPC to indicate whether the node is currently in IBD or not.

The -usehd option has been removed. It's not an official term. It's just subsystems that handle different tasks. Looking at these things should hopefully give us an idea of the different granual ideas of what bitcoin does and where it does them. It handles network communication with the p2p network.

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It translates network messages into calls for local state changes. Grep for "Misbehaving" to find all the places where we downrate nodes and peers for giving us invalid blocks or whatever. Oddly, it also contains some utility functions for marshalling data to and from disk, e. This is probalby because validation. CCoinsView boils down to getting an unspent coin and seeing if it's unspent.

The rest is just implementation detail. This is an abstraction around the leveldb database. I'll talk about other storage mechanisms later in the deck. This allows us to obfuscate data, which allows us to avoid spurious anti-virus detection and various things to prevent people from getting in trouble for running a full node with all the arbitrary blockchain data.

This was an attempt to consolidate a lot of what dictates consensus, but almost everything in bitcoind dictates consensus. It defines the bip9 deployment struct, which is kind of interesting if anyone remembers from CValidationState is in there which is a little piece of state that gets passed around in places to accumulate DoS scores.

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This is for making assesments about transactions, such as whether a transaction is signaling replace-by-fee. It also has some code for doing fee estimation. This is a newer addition. This is the start of the numeration of all the interfaces in Bitcoin Core. This is part of an effort from ryanofsky to use more formalized messages. Orginally everything was running in one process but maybe one day all of the components will be running in different processes or maybe even separate code repositories. The first step of that is separating things out into different interfaces.

This is some work by jimpo Jim Posen. Does anyone not know what the txindex is? It's a quick way to look up from the hash of a transaction into the raw data for the transaction.

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It's a useful thing to have if you're a block explorer. There's some additional indexes proposed, like marcinja did some work in to implement an address-to-transactions index. This thing actually makes use of the ValidationInterface construct. This does what it says- it's logic for marshalling wallet data to and from disk via BerkeleyDB.

Utilities for fee-bumping transactions, does coin selection, RPC interface for the wallet, and some bookkeeping.

This is where all the definitions for rpc functions live. It's fairly easy to add an RPC, just look at any of them for an example. This is useful for constructing and generating blocks. And submitblock does what it says. How do we store stuff in Bitcoin Core? Leveldb is a fast, sorted key value store used for a few things in Bitcoin.

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