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Short Answer : None, dir is the same source code than ls , ls binary have --color by default. Ubuntu Community Ask! Sign up to join this community.

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The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Difference between 'dir' and 'ls' terminal commands? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed 79k times. Improve this question. BretD BretD 1, 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. I guess I was not the only one wondering about this : — BretD Feb 24 '12 at Commands from ancient times always drag the older nerds out of the woodwork ; — Rinzwind Feb 24 '12 at Add a comment.

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Oh and there is also vdir! Most likely dir exists for backwards compatibility or due to historical reasons. Improve this answer. Eliah Kagan k 51 51 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Rinzwind Rinzwind k 37 37 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. I was thinking that it was probably just an alias of the other.

I assumed the reasoning was to make windows users feel more at home lol Thank you for the thorough answer!

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I believe 'alias' only shows local user alias settings, not system wide. The Relationship Between ls and dir ls and dir are separate programs that behave similarly. There are two common misconceptions about dir : Many people believe dir is an alias of ls , but that is not the case. Neither command is an alias of the other, and by default in Ubuntu, dir is not an alias at all. Many people believe dir exists for obscure historical reasons or to provide compatibility with some standard or some other OS. That is not the case either.

OK, but exactly how do ls and dir differ?

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Why have dir? Is dir really useful? Why do I get colorized output from ls even ls -Cb but not dir?! How do I make dir produce colored output, too? However: If you find it useful to make this dir alias, you should certainly do so. Eliah Kagan Eliah Kagan k 51 51 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. From GNU Coreutils : dir is equivalent to ls -C -b; that is, by default files are listed in columns, sorted vertically, and special characters are represented by backslash escape sequences.

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Although dir is not provided for backwards compatibility --and ls actually is --this answer and the answer it quotes from does correctly state the technical difference between the two commands as well as explaining the commonly observed colorization difference. This doesn't seem like a default Ubuntu user configuration at all. It does seem like the default for at least some versions of openSuSE, though, judging by this conversation , this file linked from there , and my admittedly perhaps wrong memory of when I last used openSUSE.

So as I said, the result will differ, but the method should be all right. Francisco Valdez Francisco Valdez 2 2 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. You could achieve this with aliases, but that is not how it is achieved. Separate dir and ls binaries appear on all systems that use GNU Coreutils.

Only one line of code is changed in ls-dir. Technically is not an alias, but practically it is LS but with different default options 1 line of code. Yes, dir is ls but with different default options. Some distributions may, or may have, also defined an alias called dir defining aliases that are the same name as an existing command is pretty common. But they are separate executables. To distinguish between a shell alias which is not a file at all and a separate executable with similar source code, is not a pedantic distinction.

It is both false and misleading to say that dir is an alias of ls in Ubuntu. Yes, I agree with you, but in this case, is not similar source code, is the same source code.

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  • If we say that an alias is just anything listed in alias then of course is not an alias. It is not the same source code. As you said, "one line of source is changed. There are lots of things in a Unix-like system that are similar to aliases but which would be vastly confusing to novices and exasperating to experienced users to call aliases. Symbolic links, hard links, identical files, similar files, wrapper scripts, shell builtins hiding executables, and synced files e.

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