Puzzle transaction bitcoin

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Asked 10 months ago. Active 10 months ago. Viewed times. I have two particular questions here -- Why is Bitcoin mining made so computationally expensive in the first place? Improve this question. In addition to the below answers, the increasing work factor is one feature that distinguishes BitCoin from what governments do, namely just print more money.

Polk May 16 '20 at Could you please explain on why the work factor should be increased? These questions should be asked on the bitcoin stackexchange site, except they have already been asked and answered. Please go there to find your answers. Polk May 22 '20 at Add a comment.

What math puzzle do miners actually solve?

Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. JBaczuk JBaczuk My understanding is that the complexity of compromising blockchain is due to chained hashing and controlling consensus majority.

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The mining puzzle should contribute to the complexity but not significantly. I wonder if the purpose of the puzzle is to stabilize the bitcoin economy by controlling transaction rates. I meant more along the line President James wrote in the comment. The standard way to mark a transaction as provably unspendable is with a scriptPubKey of the following form:. Thus the output can be immediately pruned from the UTXO set even if it has not been spent. Transaction a4bfa8abae5f25dae9d89e4eb67dfacafc1ddc5abbc31b is an interesting puzzle.

To spend the transaction you need to come up with some data such that hashing the data twice results in the given hash. This transaction was successfully spent by 09fbe71fd1db51ffda40cc0e4f8c8c2c4ab1. The required data happened to be the Genesis block , and the given hash in the script was the genesis block header hashed twice with SHA Note that while transactions like this are fun, they are not secure, because they do not contain any signatures and thus any transaction attempting to spend them can be replaced with a different transaction sending the funds somewhere else.

In Peter Todd created scripts that result in true if a hash collision is found. Bitcoin addresses resulting from these scripts can have money sent to them. If someone finds a hash collision they can spend the bitcoins on that address, so this setup acts as an incentive for somebody to do so. See the bitcointalk thread [2] and reddit thread [3] for more details.

Bitcoin puzzle 2 win 32 bitcoins Brainflayer for selecting private keys from bitcoin wallets

Jump to: navigation , search. The script for a typical Bitcoin transfer to destination Bitcoin address D simply encumbers future spending of the bitcoins with two things: the spender must provide a public key that, when hashed, yields destination address D embedded in the script, and a signature to prove ownership of the private key corresponding to the public key just provided.

hash - Purpose of bitcoin mining puzzle - Stack Overflow

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An empty array of bytes is pushed onto the stack. This is not a no-op: an item is added to the stack. The next two bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack in little endian order. The next four bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack in little endian order. If the top stack value is not False, the statements are executed.

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The top stack value is removed. These messages are used in a scriptSig, which satisfies the scriptPubKey storing the bountied funds, allowing you to move them to a scriptPubKey Bitcoin address of your choice".

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On the February 23, , someone successfully claimed the SHA-1 hash collision bounty of 2. Now we can update the transaction with the unlocking script, providing a solution to the SHA-1 bounty. To follow along this tutorial. To read more about Bitcoin computational puzzles and Peter Todd bounties. The p2sh method will generate an object that contains the P2SH address.

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Puzzle transaction bitcoin

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