Webjet pay with bitcoin

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Travel Daily. Cutting out errors Webjet managing director John Guscic told The Australian Financial Review its blockchain is focused on it business-to-business b2b wholesaling arm, which offers hotels to travel agents, and that it promised to cut out the expensive errors that occur in various stages of the travel booking supply chain.

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To read more, please click on the link below… Source: Webjet moves early with Microsoft to create first blockchain for hotel bookings afr. Previous iSelect trials three-hour digital home loan. Australian FinTech sponsored by:. Join our Newsletter:. This includes a broad profile of businesses such as travel agents, online travel agencies, as well as other wholesale providers.

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It is all the more important to see such a giant and industry leader joining the crypto space through the well-known and established blockchain-based company LockTrip and its LOC token. He comments:. If this condition is met, the LOC economy would be boosted by the existing business of a global super brand with millions of active users. This makes the deal unprecedented in the blockchain space.


The fixed supply of less than In addition, it is also possible to pay for travel bookings directly with LOC to take advantage of the cheapest prices on the market. If the integration is successful, it would be a massive step in advancing the crypto industry towards real businesses. According to the announcement, LockTrip. Probably the more significant element of the business could be the migration of the Rezchain booking verification system to the Hydra blockchain.

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Webjet has invested in its own commercially viable blockchain-based project Rezchain This is to prevent data incongruences between different suppliers and agents. This critical infrastructure could now be migrated to the decentralized infrastructure of the Hydra chain. To some extent, Rezchain also tried to solve the same problems that LockTrip had identified. It was logical to get married to Webjet. The main purpose of developing the Hydra chain was also to achieve this long-term goal, as it includes all the building blocks required.

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