Btc mining difficulty calculator

Your Answer

All you need in order to make the Bitcoin Calculator display a result is to supply the speed of your mining hardware. However, the accuracy of the Bitcoin mining calculator improves the more honest information you supply. The mining results are based on multiple changing factors and are just valid for the given values, thus it's best practice to rely on the Bitcoin mining calculator for a short time frame only. By the way, the nNonce is one of the fields in block header structure:. Because SHA algorithm as well as any cryptographically secure hash algorithm produces output that will appear like an uniformly random sequence , the practical 'trial and error' method is the only way to find a new block to meet the condition.

For human easy understanding about this 'target' hash value, We define the term 'difficulty', which means the average 'trial and error" numbers to find a block to meet the 'target' condition.

Bitcoin Mining Profitability Calculator

So far, you have all the detail about how to calculate the 'difficulty'. In some cases, we also use the simple format 1. I would like to give my 2 cents here, by expliciting the relationship between the probability of mining a block given the current target t and the corresponding difficulty d as it is calculated in bitcoin core.

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Thus the probability of a single hash h being a valid hash is:. On the other hand d is calculated as follows, just as gary explained before only transformed into decimals:.

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Actually if someone can explain how exactly the code maps to the formula above, that would be helpful. Combining those two formulas we obtain:. This is a direct implication of defining, in the genesis block, as difficulty 1 the one associated to the hexadecimal target 0x1d00ffff , expressed in what I think is called the bit compact form for bit numbers. A nice question I believe is why this specific compact form was chosen for representing the target.

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    Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator

    Learn more. How is difficulty calculated? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 37k times. Improve this question. Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali Salvador Dali 3, 7 7 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. I think follow up questions are better as comments to the answer. Basically yes, but no summing is actually needed - you can just take the timestamps of the last block and of the one blocks before, and subtract.

    Add a comment. The calculator also takes the changing difficulty diff change into account. If the network difficulty is increasing quickly, this will greatly increase your break-even time. The diff change can be excluded from the calculation by toggling the "Use Diff Change" switch. Why is my break-even time 0 or never? If your break-even time is 0 you have likely forgotten to input your hardware cost below.

    Bitcoin Mining Calculator & Profitability Calculator

    If it is never, your break-even time has been calculated to be greater than 10 years. This is likely due to a large diff change value which causes your predicted profitability to turn negative in the future. You could try lowering the diff change for a less agressive prediction or disable it altogether. Recurring costs are fixed costs such as rent or internet.

    Output at Current Difficulty

    This value, along with power costs are subtracted from your revenue to give profit. Higher recurring costs mean lower profits and a longer break-even time. The profitability chart can help you visualize your long term mining projections. The chart can operate in one of three views: Total Profits The Total Profits view predicts what your overall profitability will be in the future.

    This is calculated by taking your current profits and adding them to each following months profits while factoring in the changing difficulty diff change , the diff change factor can be disabled. This view assumes the price of the coin will stay the same. If you wish to account for a changing price ie if you think the price will rise in the future , switch to the "Coins Generated" view. Coins Generated This view looks at the number of coins you can expect to generate in the future. This view does not account for any expenses, it simply predicts how many coins you will generate with your given hashrate and the diff change value.

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    btc mining difficulty calculator Btc mining difficulty calculator

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