Kano bitcoin mining pool

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View license. Branches Tags. Nothing to show. Go back. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. This branch is 5 commits ahead, commits behind ckolivas:master. Pull request Compare. Latest commit. Git stats 7, commits. Failed to load latest commit information.

View code. This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer in his spare time so donations would be greatly appreciated. Please consider donating to the address below. This means that the source to any modifications you make to this code MUST be provided by law if you distribute modified binaries. All are available since CURL version 7. Any configuration file may also contain a single "include" : "filename" to recursively include another configuration file. Writing the configuration will save all settings from all files in the output.

You may run cgminer from the build directory directly, but you may do make install if you wish to install cgminer to a system location or location you specified. When configuring your device, plug it in and wait for windows to attempt to install a driver on its own. It may think it has succeeded or failed but wait for it to finish regardless.

This is NOT the driver you want installed. At this point you need to associate your device with the WinUSB driver.

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The easiest way to do this is to use the zadig utility which you must right click on and run as administrator. Choose the install or replace driver option and select WinUSB. When you first switch a device over to WinUSB with zadig and it shows that correctly on the left of the zadig window, but it still gives permission errors, you may need to unplug the USB miner and then plug it back in.

Some users may need to reboot at this point. However due to permissions issues, you may not be able to mine directly on the devices as a regular user without giving the user access to the device or by mining as root administrator. However some devices like the bitfury USB sticks automatically load a driver thinking they're a modem and the driver needs to be unloaded for cgminer to work: sudo kextunload -b com. The 2 diff values are the actual difficulty target that share reached followed by the difficulty target the pool is currently asking for. Overall status: The output line shows the following: 5s Followed by: Block: ca0df This means that if you input a number of pools, it will try to use them as a priority list, moving away from the 1st to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd and so on.

If any of the earlier pools recover, it will move back to the higher priority ones. By default, all pools are allocated equal quotas unless specified with --quota. This apportioning of work is based on work handed out, not shares returned so is independent of difficulty targets or rejected shares. While a pool is disabled or dead, its quota is dropped until it is re-enabled. Quotas are forward looking, so if the quota is changed on the fly, it only affects future work. If all pools are set to zero quota or all pools with quota are dead, it will fall back to a failover mode.

See quota below for more information. The failover-only flag has special meaning in combination with load-balance mode and it will distribute quota back to priority pool 0 from any pools that are unable to provide work for any reason so as to maintain quota ratios between the rest of the pools.

BALANCE: This strategy monitors the amount of difficulty 1 shares solved for each pool and uses it to try to end up doing the same amount of work for all pools. The quotas handed out by default are equal, but the user is allowed to specify any arbitrary ratio of quotas.

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Quotas can be changed on the fly by the API, and do not act retrospectively. Setting a quota to zero will effectively disable that pool unless all other pools are disabled or dead. In that scenario, load-balance falls back to regular failover priority-based strategy. While a pool is dead, it loses its quota and no attempt is made to catch up when it comes back to life.

To specify quotas on the command line, pools should be specified with a semicolon separated --quota or -U entry instead of --url. Pools specified with --url are given a nominal quota value of 1 and entries can be mixed. Writing configuration files with quotas is likewise supported.

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To do this, edit your bitcoind configuration file bitcoin. In other words if you would normally use:. There is also the -m option on linux which will spawn a command of your choice and pipe the output directly to that command. The WorkTime details 'debug' option adds details on the end of each line displayed for Accepted or Rejected work done. The argument to the option may be "-" for standard output not advisable with the ncurses UI , any valid positive number for that file descriptor, or a filename.

To log share data to a file named "share.

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When it reaches the end of the file it continues back at the top. The format of the data items matches the byte ordering and format of the the bitcoind getblock RPC output. A: Welcome to bitcoin mining. Your computer by itself cannot mine bitcoin no matter how powerful it is. You have to purchase dedicated mining hardware called ASICs to plug into your computer. Q: I've plugged my devices into my USB hub but nothing shows up?

When choosing a hub, USB2 hubs are preferable whenever possible due to better support all round. Q: Can I mine on servers from different networks eg xxxcoin and bitcoin at the same time? A: No, cgminer keeps a database of the block it's working on to ensure it does not work on stale blocks, and having different blocks from two networks would make it invalidate the work from each other.

Kano / CKPool Bitcoin Mining Pool Review |

All members of the BitcoinMining subreddit are expected to read and follow the Official Reddit Rules as well as the informal Reddiquette guidelines. Likewise, all moderators of this subreddit do follow the Modiquette. Comparison of all mining pools on the official Bitcoin wiki. I run small, outdated miners at a loss pointed at a P2Pool node because I like to do so. Kano Pool kano. While I'd love to promote smaller pools, this one specifically is run by an incompetent troll Whether you like him or not, as we all have opinions about personalities, especially those we disagree with, the truth is he's FAR from incompetent.

If you're the same luke from the github fallout, I'm aware of your opinion already. If you're looking to bash on something, I suggest antpool or one of the other 5 pools that bitmain controls--including Slush. Anyone who has been around long enough, clearly understands without a doubt, that SLUSH no longer runs "his" pool. The reigns were handed over to a Corporate Committee long ago.

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