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Dennis J. After January his ministry primarily focused on BTCP, of which he is the founder and author of its 10 course curriculum. He served as pastor of Genesis Bible Church, Atlanta for over 23 years from which he retired in October of Prior to entering the ministry in , Dr. Mock practiced law in Atlanta for 13 years.

He has been married to Patricia Mock since and they have three children and six grandchildren. God has used Dennis greatly over a lifetime of pastoring, Bible teaching, teacher training, curriculum development and writing. BTCP works alongside over strategic partners , providing theological training in approximately countries , with curriculum translated into over 30 languages.

In order to gain the maximum benefit from the BTCP curriculum, it is important to fully understand our life-on-life concept of training. You must be in significant agreement with our doctrinal statement. For instance, we permit a fair amount of flexibility regarding eschatology, but very little in Christology. These 2-day events let us meet face-to-face and will help you fully understand the concept, curriculum and guidelines which make up the BTCP program. The goal of Bible Training Centre for Pastors is to produce pastors and leaders who will be used by God to contribute to the spiritual growth of the local church and thus bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew - The Mandate. Ephesians - The Method. Do you share the common purpose of training pastors and church leaders who will then reproduce in the lives of others? That is, are you committed to train nationals, conduct on-going teacher evaluation, and encourage graduates in their ministries? If so, we invite you to consider partnering with us to train the untrained.

As you have read, our ministry is built on an Ephesians 4 model. This workshop equips partners and teachers to lead reproducible Bible training programs in various contexts.

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In Dennis Mock taught a conference for pastors in Mombasa, Kenya. He quickly realized that these men were eager to learn, but had never had any opportunity for theological or ministry training. Following his experience in Mombasa, Dennis wrote a comprehensive course curriculum designed to equip pastors with essential Bible knowledge and basic pastoral skills. This curriculum was first taught in Nairobi, Kenya in Since that time the Lord has expanded the ministry of BTCP around the world through hundreds of ministry partners using the program in over 85 countries with 34 translations and , graduates as of Expansion and future growth are attainable through adding new ministry partners, increasing the capacity of existing partners and increasing available translations.

BTCP operates from the simple multiplication model provided in 2 Timothy ,. Please consider how you might help BTCP continue to fulfill our mission of training the untrained pastors and church leaders of the world. Men who are qualified to be pastors according to the requirements laid out in the books of 1 Timothy and Titus; not divorced, not married to more than one wife, etc. All others interested in being equipped for ministry, including women and those that have been divorced, may take all the courses and receive a BTCL cerfiticate. The curriculum is designed to be delivered in a live classroom setting by a qualified teacher who is a mentor and discipler to the students, therefore the classes are not offered by correspondence or Internet.

BTCP is a comprehensive training program created to meet the demand for trained local church leadership. The curriculum is not accredited by any agency.

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Potential students are those who will usually not attend seminary or Bible College but desire to be equipped with basic Bible knowledge, ministry skillsand character development. The certificate details the courses and number of hours of training they have completed and can list all 10 courses if they have completed all A life-on-life concept and a biblically sound, time tested curriculum. The Bible is our main textbook see 2 Timothy , along with 10 essential courses, which also become a resource library for the pastor in his ministry:.

Other materials available for purchase without being a BTCP ministry partner:

Pages of the Program Summary will provide you with a Syllabus and other sample pages from each course manual. Partnering ministries include churches, mission agencies, associations of churches, Bible colleges and seminaries, para-church ministries and individual missionaries and pastors. Thank you for your interest in using the BTCP concept and curriculum for equipping pastors and church leaders. Benocyclidine is not scheduled at the federal level in the United States , [8] but may be considered an analog of PCP, in which case purchase, sale, or possession could be prosecuted under the Federal Analog Act.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see BTCP disambiguation.

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