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Peter Mortensen DmitryK DmitryK 5, 1 1 gold badge 16 16 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. Or replace each pair of hex digits with the corresponding 8 binary digits, or replace each triplet of hex digits with the corresponding 12 binary digits Mat Mat. ChristopheD ChristopheD Here is the resulting function: def hextobin h : return bin int h, 16 [2:]. Edd Edd 1, 15 15 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Just use the module coden note: I am the author of the module You can convert haxedecimal to binary there. Harshit Gupta Harshit Gupta John John 8 8 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges.

The binary version of ABCEFFF is actually For almost all applications you want the binary version to have a length that is a multiple of 4 with leading padding of 0s.

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Nice and fair review. I think this token does what it promises well by acting as a high interest certificate of deposit. On the other hand, it seems to me a very vague project, with a very mediocre utility. It is a token that promises great interests to its holders, there is no collaboration with other projects, it does not solve any real problem, it is nothing revolutionary. There are other projects that allow you to do Staking and on top of that they have real utility, they solve problems, they offer real and tangible solutions.

Short answer:

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Comment on these and you will get a response. The Riz - March 18, 0. Read more. When it comes to NFTs, one of the best use cases is in a gaming world situation where utility and interoperability are a main Microsoft has launched a browser mini-game called Azure Space Mystery where you can do some learning exercises in order to receive an NFT Learner We have been following and recommending Enjin Coin as one of the best crypto projects in terms of fundamentals.

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