Bitcoin come to an end

Cryptocurrencies: complex and volatile

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Board of Governors Members. Society Representatives. Boards and Committees. Volunteer Opportunities. Nominations and Elections. Governance Resources. The bitcoin virtual currency was founded in Since then, supported by decentralized blockchain technology, it has only gained popularity as a form of payment and investment asset, and continues to make headlines. During the pandemic, investors have been eager to increase their bitcoin positions. Question Q: Is it a good time to invest in what many have termed a millennial stock?

A: I believe that, in general, investment should never depend on timing, and this is especially true in this case.

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It is a question of what concept you have of investment. At MAPFRE, with our tradition of security and putting people first, investment is a tool for preserving capital, for saving. Therefore, seeking return on the inputs and outputs of a highly volatile asset that does not generate productive cash flows does not fall into our concept of investment. It is true that for millennials, it is a new and attractive concept.

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One thing is the new trends, which come from a structural change in our production system, like the entire digital sector. In this case, it is a fact that millennials understand and assume the trends more quickly than older generations. It is a generation that has been raised amid the immediacy of information. That is why, based on my several years of experience as a professor of finance to young people, I think that interest in very volatile and novel assets tends to be diluted with age. The so-called millennials are very willing to use digital channels for their investments, and we must provide that.

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But when they stop to think about their savings, family assets or retirement, they may choose more stable assets. Q: What is your view of this highly volatile form of investment, and the fact that the ECB and FCA do not recommend it because it poses a risk to investors and they link it to questionable businesses? A: Like everything, cryptocurrencies have a good and bad side. And one of those is that they are beyond the control of the authorities. Let us not forget that central banks have a monopoly over the creation of money, which gives a huge amount of power to both them and governments that have access to data on the circulation of that money.

If there is money that the public authorities cannot control, then, on the one hand, such money lends itself to being used in activities that are illegal and harmful to society.

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  7. On the other hand, it creates a space for freedom, which is very quickly shrinking elsewhere. In any case, it is valid as a concept. However, I would never recommend investing in an asset that is not subject to the controls of the financial authorities. Investors, especially retail investors, cannot have a deep understanding of all the assets in which they invest. That is why the financial authorities play a role in filling in for that knowledge and providing the investor with security.

    Q: How do these assets fit in with the current environment of uncertainty?

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    Do you think bitcoin will establish itself as an investment alternative for retail and institutional investors?

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