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The same profile also states that Jaap is a company CEO, but the company name is not specified. She has an Instagram profile claiming she is a crypto developer and ICO and blockchain expert.

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Sounds good, except that as recently as December 19th the same profile described Khyuz as a model, dancer, and businesswoman. The third teammate, Robert Szabo, provided a slightly bigger bio than his colleagues, however, he too has no experience in blockchain development. As far as we can tell, Szabo is an automation engineer who used to work for T-Mobile. In this whole cozy company, only Bujnicki appears to have experience in software development, as stated in his bio. Besides, the SegWit2x page has been on Github for just over a 2 weeks.

There is also a Reddit thread, BitcoinScamCoins, reporting that a SegWit2x representative asked the community members for their private keys. All in all, new hard forks do little good to the cryptocurrency community. Perhaps this explains why the BTC exchange rate has stopped rocketing and is currently plummeting.

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    Bitcoin God can be traded on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Gate. It is usually not presently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin God directly using US dollars.

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